Children Overcoming Obstacles through Love
Volunteers/ Campers
For the 2022 summer, we are again implementing the $40 volunteer fee. This fee helps sponsor campers. There are scholarships available to help with fees. Please don't let money keep you away
Volunteer Age Requirements:
Counselor: 15-19 Staff: 19 and up
We do offer community service hours for volunteering.
We are always looking for volunteers to come be a part of our family. 

Campers registration fee is 0, with a big thank you to our wonderful donors, grantors and those who help with fundrasiers.
We would love to have your child come be part of our family!
If you are interested in any aspect of our camp, whether it be volunteering, donating, fundraising, or helping get the word out, please send us an email.
We would love to come speak at an event or your corporation, school group, youth group, small business etc.